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Drive sad? Don’t Worry Your Next Car May Have Dr. Ben with You

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Emotion detection system

Your next car will be emotionally attached with you through smart technology

As the automotive technologies are getting advanced with every passing day, your next car expected to be equipped with emotion detection system. It will read your face expressions while driving. It looks like Dr. Ben, isn’t it? It is an effort to overcome the problems which may people face on the road because of angry and disgusted drivers.

Swiss researchers are working on it and they confess that the emotional detection system will help to spot the angry and disgusted drivers. If you love driving on your darling car then it is very certain that you have emotional attachments with the car but in the future cars are also likely to do the same. It means your next relationship with your darling car and engine could go even deeper because of the invention of this new technology. It will give you an actual upshot of your mood via several emotional detectors.

The Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) from Switzerland and PSA Peugeot Citroen are working on the project to build up sensors that can identifies facial expressions of driver. It’s not so your car will be familiar with that you’re making affectionate glimpse at it, certainly, but to decrease accident rates by detecting the feelings of drivers that get us into problem. This system has an onboard infrared camera that continually monitors the entire face of driver. Fatigue is a risk factor while driving and it effects the facial expressions and other emotional state so, this system will help the drivers to overcome these issues.

EPFL said in a statement, “Irritation, in particular, can make drivers more aggressive and less attentive.” We have a big challenge whiles developing the technology which is a wide range of human facial expressions; it is very hard to cover all expressions that are why the focus is only on two expressions, anger and disgust. “Irritation could be accurately detected in most of cases,” EPFL said. But “given the diversity of how we express anger,” The car you may drive in the future may better be aware of your mood as your expressions change and it might help you out in healthy or otherwise, while behind the wheel